The stop in GodStop comes from the acronym God gave Beth Moore.
Savoring the Observable Presence
It is explained in the introduction of the 'Believing God' Bible study she wrote. Here is an excerpt, since Beth's own words do a much better job of explaining it than I could.
"... In essence, God's glory is any way in which He makes Himself recognizable. When I see a brilliant sunset I know no artist could paint, I recognize God through His masterpiece. Likewise, when something happens in my day that I know is more than a coincidence, I am learning to recognize God in it. Part of our faith-walk experience will be learning to recognize God in our midst by noticing visible prints of His invisible hands. We don't want to miss God when He makes Himself observable! I am convinced that the more we learn to recognize and appreciate His interventions and revelations, the more we are likely to receive them!... The stop in GodStop comes from the acronym God gave me: Savoring the Observable Presence. When God makes Himself observable, we want to stop and take notice. I want to learn to say to myself, That's God! Stop and savor the moment! A GodStop is any means by which God seems to go out of His way during your day to make Himself known to you........ I even consider a GodStop a time when God suddenly catches me in a sin of action or attitude that I didn't know anyone noticed. One way I know I am cherished is because God loves whom He disciplines (see Heb. 12:6). A sudden disciplinary acgtion is a GodStop reminding me that He is ever present and loves me too much to let me get away with something that is displeasing to Him......" - Beth Moore, Excerpt from "Believing God"
I started the 'Believing God' study on April 23, 2008. At the end of every day, there is a section where I can record my GodStops. Recording these moments now, so I can remember them in the future, builds/grows my faith!
A couple of recent GodStops I would like to share:
1. Last Saturday night after the Casting Crowns concert at Atlanta Fest, there was a candlelight service. They passed out fairly large white candles. The one that was given to me was actually TWO candles stuck together, so I got to light one of them in memory of our little one we never met that's with the Lord. After our candles were blown out, I put Tim's candle in front of the two that were stuck together, and it actually just stuck right to them. We now have a beautiful grouping of 3 candles I got to bring home with me as a memorial.
2. Last night, I was reading the Living Proof Ministries blog... First of all, I usually NEVER read the comments to Beth’s posts… (I think that will change.) And with the long day I had yesterday at work, it’s a miracle I even got on the computer & read the blog itself. A comment by Deidre caught my eye... it was about why she could not go to the Deeper Still event this weekend and had 4 tickets. Instead of thinking someone else had probably already taken her up on her kind offer, I decided to go ahead and email her. When she responded that the tickets were still available & she would love for me to have them, I called my mom to see if she would like to go & she started crying. She was blown away because she had just gotten on the web that day to see if any tickets were available & had told my dad she really wanted to go. Well of course the event was sold out… It was so precious for me to see how God provided for her & how He worked to do so. She was overwhelmed with emotion. There’s no doubt in my mind that God has something special planned for her this weekend. He definitely made sure she had an overwhelming desire to go at the last minute & a ticket to get there. How cool God is! :-)
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