Sunday, June 28, 2009

Me, Myself, and Lies

So thankful to have started this study along with so many others through the LPM blog. And I'm also thankful I'm not going solo on this one (and I did seriously think about going solo, thinking it might be easier and more laid back for the summer), but I already had 2 months off from the Esther study of "going solo", and I was ready to be back studying with a group! I know God put our little group together! There were a lot of people invited because I had a wild hair (& through the prompting of the Holy Spirit :-) posted an invite on facebook to all my female friends... but I trusted that God would put together the group. It made me nervous at times, and it was a struggle NOT to try to "control" it to make sure everyone fit together well, but He kept reminding me to just trust Him to put the group together. We met at Starb*cks on Tuesday evening. During our first meeting, we named our group "DID" standing for "Do it daily!" referring to a consistent, DAILY relationship with God & His Word & just doing the thing!

Rachel, Bethany, Jennifer, and Rhonda

1 comment:

Mylinda said...

Hi Jennifer- I just stumbled across your blog and am so encouraged to see that you are still such a strong Christian after all these years! Mylinda Bannister Amos