Monday, June 30, 2008

All sorts of "little" miracles today

Just one of many...
A much needed eye appointment (scheduled for this afternoon) was cancelled late last Friday afternoon by the doctor due to a death in her family. I put on my last pair of contacts last week, so --without a prescription--no more contacts next week! Also, the last day that Costco has the $30 rebate on my contacts is TODAY. So I desparately needed my contact prescription today. The Emory Eye Clinic is right across the street from where I work at the hospital, so when I got to work this morning, I walked over to the eye clinic just to see if they had any appts today with another doctor. The initial answer was no, followed by a maybe, then another no because that slot was for a returning patient (not a new pt). Then while I was standing there, the 9:00am patient cancelled!!! It was 8:55. The slot was for a new patient, so in I walked. Went back right away. How cool is that! The girl up front said how lucky I must be.... that something like that NEVER happens. WHAT A BLESSING!!! My God was definitely looking out for me.

There were several other "little" miracles today that I wouldn't be able to describe very well or I wouldn't be at liberty to share, but you can rest assured they will be written in my prayer journal, so I can remember how He worked today. I just wanted to brag on my God & PRAISE HIS NAME!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Booger Hollow & Hot Water :-)

I had a somewhat crazy, stressful day. I ended up spending my day doing everything but what I expected/needed to do today. I also didn't plan on leaving the house, but ended up driving 3 hours to take my husband a part he needed for a job. As I was rushing to get out the door, pouring myself a much needed cup of coffee to go, I found myself pouring a nice clear cup of hot water instead. I put the filter & the water in, but forgot the coffee part :-) A part of me wanted to cry, but I decided just to laugh instead :-) I did end up buying a cup of coffee after I got back to Cartersville. I passed a new coffee place called Caribbeanz, decided to try them out, & it was WONDERFUL!!! I also got the delight of another good giggle moment when I passed a road named "Booger Hollow Rd." :-)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


The stop in GodStop comes from the acronym God gave Beth Moore.

Savoring the Observable Presence

It is explained in the introduction of the 'Believing God' Bible study she wrote. Here is an excerpt, since Beth's own words do a much better job of explaining it than I could.

"... In essence, God's glory is any way in which He makes Himself recognizable. When I see a brilliant sunset I know no artist could paint, I recognize God through His masterpiece. Likewise, when something happens in my day that I know is more than a coincidence, I am learning to recognize God in it. Part of our faith-walk experience will be learning to recognize God in our midst by noticing visible prints of His invisible hands. We don't want to miss God when He makes Himself observable! I am convinced that the more we learn to recognize and appreciate His interventions and revelations, the more we are likely to receive them!... The stop in GodStop comes from the acronym God gave me: Savoring the Observable Presence. When God makes Himself observable, we want to stop and take notice. I want to learn to say to myself, That's God! Stop and savor the moment! A GodStop is any means by which God seems to go out of His way during your day to make Himself known to you........ I even consider a GodStop a time when God suddenly catches me in a sin of action or attitude that I didn't know anyone noticed. One way I know I am cherished is because God loves whom He disciplines (see Heb. 12:6). A sudden disciplinary acgtion is a GodStop reminding me that He is ever present and loves me too much to let me get away with something that is displeasing to Him......" - Beth Moore, Excerpt from "Believing God"

I started the 'Believing God' study on April 23, 2008. At the end of every day, there is a section where I can record my GodStops. Recording these moments now, so I can remember them in the future, builds/grows my faith!

A couple of recent GodStops I would like to share:

1. Last Saturday night after the Casting Crowns concert at Atlanta Fest, there was a candlelight service. They passed out fairly large white candles. The one that was given to me was actually TWO candles stuck together, so I got to light one of them in memory of our little one we never met that's with the Lord. After our candles were blown out, I put Tim's candle in front of the two that were stuck together, and it actually just stuck right to them. We now have a beautiful grouping of 3 candles I got to bring home with me as a memorial.

2. Last night, I was reading the Living Proof Ministries blog... First of all, I usually NEVER read the comments to Beth’s posts… (I think that will change.) And with the long day I had yesterday at work, it’s a miracle I even got on the computer & read the blog itself. A comment by Deidre caught my eye... it was about why she could not go to the Deeper Still event this weekend and had 4 tickets. Instead of thinking someone else had probably already taken her up on her kind offer, I decided to go ahead and email her. When she responded that the tickets were still available & she would love for me to have them, I called my mom to see if she would like to go & she started crying. She was blown away because she had just gotten on the web that day to see if any tickets were available & had told my dad she really wanted to go. Well of course the event was sold out… It was so precious for me to see how God provided for her & how He worked to do so. She was overwhelmed with emotion. There’s no doubt in my mind that God has something special planned for her this weekend. He definitely made sure she had an overwhelming desire to go at the last minute & a ticket to get there. How cool God is! :-)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Whole New World

This whole world of blogging is so new to me. So foreign. I've never been one to be on the internet much... except when I need to accomplish a specific task. Just "surfing around" or reading stuff on the computer has never appealed to me. I'd much rather just curl up with a good book.

Before our 10-year high school reunion almost 2 years ago now (WHAT?! That can't be right!!! TIME ABSOLUTELY FLIES!!!), I think I had vaguely heard of MySpace. Never would have dreamed of actually having a page myself. I'm telling you, it took a lot of courage to do a MySpace page at first. I would NOT characterize myself as a 'paranoid' type person, but I was very leary about what personal information I put online. All of a sudden everything seemed too personal. All kinds of thoughts about random weirdos & even some of the people I work with having access to my personal life in that kind of way went through my head. I had so much fun setting my page up initially, but I still didn't want to invest a lot of time in it.

I never gave blogging much thought until I started reading Warren's blog (a friend from high school) and the Living Proof Ministries blog. I've kept a handwritten prayer journal for years, and blogging will definitely not take the place of that. I can't imagine putting anything I would normally write in that journal online instead. My close friends know what goes on in my heart and my life, and the thought of sharing personal stuff with the world seemed ridiculous. Something started stirring in me anyway... But then there was the very real issue of time & how I didn't possibly have any time for a "silly" blog.

Yet, here I am as you can see :-)... So what happened? I DON'T KNOW! I could throw out some speculations, but the bottom line is that I felt like through a series of events this is something I need to do right now. It's still hard and it's still scary. I really can't imagine what I might have to say that anyone would want to read. I have no idea what purpose this might serve or how it will look. But here goes anyway. We'll see where God leads.... I am going to throw out one idea... It could be that it's part of my journey to be free of what other's might think about me...?? I don't know. I'll just try to leave the "whys" and "hows" to God.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Standing Between The Times

Today is a special day. Today was my due date. For those of you reading that don't know, I had a miscarriage back in November. I was 9 weeks pregnant. God has been so faithful to comfort us as we mourned. I am so thankful that God prompted us to forgive Him as we left the doctor's office in tears and shock instead of celebration. I am so thankful I didn't have to go through the pain of bitterness and being angry at God on top of everything. (It's not that I have to forgive Him because God did something wrong, because He is completely good & He does no wrong.) His presence has surrounded us. He is faithful. He is good. He let us know even then that He was up to something bigger in our lives and that He would get glory/be glorified! He also spoke through Tim that He is FOR US! Of course we don't understand and there are so many questions, but our God knows and understands and He has the answers! And we trust Him. And He is more than enough.

I don't know how to put into words how my study of Psalm 126 in March 2008 ties into this, but to me it is so appropriate as I am living between the times... Remembering the past... God's faithfulness in the past... Looking toward the future harvest with hope..... Currently sowing the seed (the Word of God) - not eating it for immediate satisfaction, but planting it knowing it will then produce a harvest! (Applying God's Word to my reality!)

When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.
Our mouths were filled with laughter then, and our tongues with shouts of joy.
Then they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them."
The LORD had done great things for us; and we were filled with joy.
Restore our fortunes, LORD, like watercourses in the Negev. (as streams renew the desert)
Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy.
Though one goes along weeping, carrying the bag of seed, he will surely come back with shouts of joy, carrying his sheaves.

PSALM 126 (The Message)
A pilgrim song
It seemed like a dream, too good to be true,
when GOD returned Zion's exiles.
We laughed, we sang, we couldn't believe our good fortune.
We were the talk of the nations - "God was wonderful to them!"
GOD was wonderful to us; we are one happy people.
And now, GOD, do it again - bring rains to our drought-stricken lives.
So those who planted their crops in despair
will shout hurrahs at the harvest,
So those who went off with heavy hearts
will come home laughing, with armloads of blessing!

The following is my version of Psalm 126 and was written on March 5, 2008 while doing the Bible study "STEPPING UP - A Journey through the Psalms of Ascent" by Beth Moore.

Standing between the times
Remembering the great things you have done for me
Remembering the laughter, dancing, and glee
Looking back to where I've been
Petitioning You to do it again!

At Jesus Jam, you issued me
Into Your throne room when I was lonely
My troubles vanished, Cares were banished
Filled with such joy in Your presence!

In Jamaica, dancing wildly on the street
Worshipping You on the concrete
Again at Ridgecrest we meet...
You took the shackles off my feet!

Blessed ABUNDANTLY with Timmy!
Hallelujah for JABJA!
Been through the war, now family is restored
What wonderful gifts - These relationships!

I declare
You were there
You DO care
In my despair!

In the process...
On the journey...
Ever drawing me...
Setting me free!
Ever speaking...
Life to me!

Different seasons
Different themes
Revealing Your Word
Even a prophecy

Looking to the future with hope!
Don't want to just get by & cope.
Trusting You to bring the rain...
In the midst of despair & pain.

Standing in faith.
Even though it's hard.
Sowing in tears.
The ground is dry and hard.

Putting Your truth into practice
Focusing on YOU!
Taking thoughts captive!
Obeying what You say
Perservering every day
Forgiving for wrongs
Praising with songs
Not growing tired and weary
Trusting You when I don't see results immediately

Don't let me forget.
Keep me from fret.
Help me to wait.
You aren't ever late!

Bring the rain to water the seed!
My tears are added to grow the harvest indeed!

You spoke & said I'd be the mother of many.
I'm believing You for armloads of babies!

What a celebration at the restoration!

Face to the floor!
There's more in store.
I desire intimacy...
To walk with You closely.
At home with You.
Laughing, dancing, singing my intention...
Worshipping You without inhibition.

Friday, June 20, 2008


We just got the most wonderful privilege to sponsor a little girl through World Vision. She lives in a village in Africa that has been hit hard with AIDS. Her parents are still alive & she has 2 brothers. She will turn 4 years old on July 9th. There are no words to express how overwhelmed with emotion I am about Elisa. We are praying for her to come to know Jesus as her Savior and Friend and to walk intimately with God. We are praying that HE will bring joy to her heart, light to her eyes, and put a smile on her face! I am amazed at God's perfect timing & how it is RIGHT NOW that He gives us this opportunity. Yesterday at Atlanta Fest when World Vision was brought up, it was one of those moments that you KNOW you are in the exact place God wants for you to be, there is a larger purpose, and God is up to something huge. I think about how many times I've been in a setting where a World Vision presentation has been made, and how I've never given it a second thought really... Well, yesterday it was a no brainer. It was a God-thing.