Tuesday, January 20, 2009

2008 was just the BEGINNING!

In entering a new year & looking back to 2008, I honestly couldn't believe that 2008 was OVER already! I felt disappointed. I had high hopes for 2008. It was the year of NEW BEGINNINGS & RESURRECTION LIFE! I just knew it was going to be such a special year... a year God was going to transform our lives completely in big & amazing ways. We were going to be living completely different by the end of the year.
Well, it's over... 2008 is gone... And..disappointment. UNTIL....
God encouraged me & let me know that 2008 was indeed JUST THE BEGINNING!!! It was completely OK that none of the big things/changes that were started got brought to completion! 2008 was only the BEGINNING! God is going to continue the works He started. I pray that he will put to death any works of the flesh "I" started. So thankful for perspective!

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